Thursday, September 8, 2011

i can't help myself but to devour these foods

Hope you guys enjoyed all the stuffs here >>>

my friend and her balloons and cake

the cake

the balloons

from Cakes R Us

So guys, in this post, I've been mentioning about my friend Lana. So here she is, with her balloons and s very small cake from Cakes R Us. (chuckle)

korean slim cake

lotte ABC chocolates

ABC chocolates and the coffee slim biscuit

the chocolate..i soo love this one

the coffee slim biscuit
 These Korean chocolates were sponsored by Lana (my colleague). These were given to her by one of her students. Very thoughtful.

hmmm, im not quite sure about this pizza....

3 boxes of Alberto's Pizza

pepperoni pizza

It was my friend's birthday. She treated us for....pizzas!!!!! Can't get over with them. I just so love them!

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